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إعرف الفنان من إنستجرامه .. ليوناردو دي كابريو «العميق» على السوشيال ميديا

ليوناردو دي كابريو
ليوناردو دي كابريو

أغلبنا يعرف ليوناردو دي كابريو بصفته نجماً عالمياً نجح في تقديم الكثير من الأدوار الهامة ونال أرفع الجوائز وأبرزها جائزة «أوسكار»، لكن القليل منا فقط يعرف أن دى كابريو أحد أهم النشطاء البيئيين المهتمين بالتأثرات البيئية الواقعة على كوكب الأرض، ورغم أنه يعتبر أحد أوسم الممثلين على مستوى العالم، و«دونجوان» بكل ما تحمله الكلمة من معنى، بدرجة جعلته معشوق النساء حول العالم، إلا أنه قرر استخدام حسابه على موقع «إنستجرام» بشكل آخر. 

فـ «دي كابريو» هو أكثر النجوم عمقاً في طريقة استخدامه لموقع الصور الشهير «إنستجرام»، حيث يعكف على نشر صور لما تعانيه البيئة على الكوكب من تعدي وإهمال، حيث كان آخر ما نشره انتقاده لاستخدام أحد موانئ كينيا الكبرى لتهريب الأفيال والمتاجرة في العاج الخاص بها، كما انتقد مراراً أزمة الاحتباس الحراري، وطالما طالب بضرورة إيجاد حل لها، وهو ما دفع الأمم المتحدة لتعيينه رسولاً للسلام، وممثلاً للمنظمة العالمية لمواجهة الاحتباس الحراري. 

وكان ليوناردو قد انتقد بشدة من قبل حرائق غابات الأمازون، ونادى بضرورة تكاتف العالم لمواجهة هذه الأزمة التي ضربت مصدر ثلث الأكسجين الموجود على الكرة الأرضية، وأدى نشاطه في مجال البيئة إلى ابتعاد حسابه الرسمي تماماً عن الترويج لأعماله الفنية.




#Regram #RG @undp: The port of #Mombasa in #Kenya is the largest seaport in Africa. It's also a key exit point for the trafficking of African wildlife. ⁠ ⁠ Last November, we joined @UNODC, The @worldbank, & #TheGEF in the launch of a 36-months-long initiative that targets shipping ports to reduce maritime trafficking of wildlife between Africa and Asia. ⁠ ⁠ According to the Elephant Trade Information System, the vast majority of ivory is trafficked by sea routes--as much as 72%. But only 1/3 of trafficked wildlife parts are caught and seized when they leave ports in Africa. Even if traffickers are caught red handed, only 19.3% of all seizures globally have led to convictions. ⁠ Funding for more law enforcement and investigators to hold traffickers accountable is vital to fight wildlife crime.⁠ ⁠ Thanks to a US$2 million grant from #TheGEF, partners have been increasing the number of trained wildlife law enforcement at ports across Africa and Asia. They've also used the funding to invest in a stronger communication and intelligence-sharing network between law enforcement and shipping and logistics sector workers from port-to-port across different countries. ⁠ ⁠ One of the most infamous and tragic cases of wildlife trafficking caught at Mombasa port involved two containers declared as tea leaves. Hidden underneath were three tonnes of ivory, four rhino horns, and teeth from leopards and cheetahs. Alongside elephant, rhino, and big cat parts, other wildlife and wildlife products commonly smuggled through Kenya’s seaports include pangolins, timber and shark fins.⁠ ⁠ 90% of Kenya's tourism depends on wildlife tourism. Protecting wildlife is critical to the country's economy and employment sector.⁠ ⁠ 📸: tobkatrina/Shutterstock.com⁠ ⁠ #Environment #SaveAnimals #EndWildlifeCrime #Wildlife

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#Regram #RG @aussieark: Officials have issued a warning of "catastrophic fire danger" as firefighters battle over 60 blazes raging across the Australian state of New South Wales, which has caused the tragic loss of lives and livelihoods. There have already been significant harmful impacts to wildlife, with entire ecosystems up in smoke and individual species affected, including around 350 Koalas presumed dead – all before the fires reach their peak. Our hearts go out to the victims of the current fires, which we know have been exacerbated by the decline of native biodiversity. Australia has the worst mammal extinction rate on Earth, and the country is amongst the worst 7 countries worldwide for biodiversity loss. Australian conservation efforts need a radical overhaul. Mitigating the intensity of these fires, mostly set by humans and their activities, can be achieved by restoring our native ecosystem engineers, such as bandicoots, bettongs and potoroos. These species help to maintain healthy forests by continually turning over and breaking down forest leaf litter, thereby drastically reducing fuel load. In their absence, fires are more intense, often reaching the treetops, which can affect populations of species already on the brink, like the Koala. Slow growing and ancient Australian East coast temperate forests are of global significance, as these forests have some of the highest carbon storage on the planet. Fires of this intensity threaten their very existence but managing wildlife to reduce fire intensity and protect forests is underappreciated for its importance in reducing the release of carbon into the atmosphere. Aussie Ark works with Australia’s most threatened and imperiled wildlife, several of which are extinct on the mainland. Native wildlife conservation sanctuaries provide refuge, as well as source populations for rewilding and restoring Australia’s native ecosystems. Our sincere well wishes go out to all those affected by these devastating fires. If you encounter any injured wildlife, please contact your local animal authorities for rescue and rehabilitation.

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